SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words

“Thou Shalt Not Spoilertweet Breaking Bad” #SixWords & BB at the Twitter Fest


Our Six-Word Festival featured the Six-Word Memoir® team and some famous friends posting 11 Six-Word Challenges across 3 days, Sept. 24-26. By our math, more than 100,000 Six-Worders flew across the Twittersphere. No matter what the topic, from comedian Michael Ian Black’s  challenge to answer “Six Words That Mean You’re Lying” to chef Todd English posing the Six-Word question, “The Secret Ingredients to Happiness Are..,” two words kept popping up: Breaking Bad.

Here are a few of our favorites about the show everyone is talking about,
tweeting about, and indeed Sixing about.

Share your own Six Words on Breaking Bad at Six-Word Memoirs own Trending topics section.

From the prompt ” Where Does All the Time Go?” #timeflies: 

Spoiler alert: Breaking Bad ends soon. #sixwords #timeflies


Breaking Bad is ending very quickly. #timeflies #sixwords



Fastidiously crafted Breaking Bad slash fiction. #timeflies @sixwords @robdelaney



Binge watching breaking bad on netflix #sixwords #timeflies



From the prompt, “Secret of Life _ _ _ ” [add three words] #threemore:

Secret of life: watch Breaking Bad #threemore #sixwords


From the prompt, “Six Words That Mean You’re Lying,” #sixlies:

Breaking Bad always calms my nerves. #sixwords #sixlies


“No I don’t like breaking bad” #sixwords #sixlies



 “I’ve never heard of Breaking Bad” #sixwords #sixlies



From the prompt, “Thou Shalt Tweet a New Commandment” #newcommandment: 

#newcommandment Shalt not call during Breaking Bad #sixwords #BreakingBad



#NewCommandment Stop talking about Breaking Bad already! #sixwords @sixwords



Thou shalt not spoilertweet Breaking Bad #sixwords #madeupword #NewCommandment



From the prompt, “I Only Turn Off my Phone When…: #nophone:

@RWW …it’s time for Breaking Bad, bitches. #sixwords #nophone @sixwords



From the prompt,  “The Secret Ingredients to Happiness Are..,” #happysix:

#happysix Bacon, booze, brownies, bulldogs, Breaking Bad @sixwords @ChefToddEnglish #alliteration



From the prompt, “I Will Never Do That Again,” #neveragain:

#neveragain will never watch breaking bad alone @sixwords #sixwords “I will never do that again”




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