Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

"Brother, Can You Spare a Six?" Six Words on the Financial Crisis

A day late and a penny short.

A day late and a penny short.

The day we launched our first Six-Word Memoir book, Rachel and I appeared on Talk of the Nation, catapulting six words into the consciousness of people who would become some of our most passionate SMITH community members.

So we’re always excited when six words finds a way into the public radio world. Our friends over at NPR’s cover the world of money and finance from a point of view that’s always connected to personal stories, helping this ever-complicated topic connect to the real world. Editors there have had a six fix lately, asking for Six-Word Memoirs about how to cope in the current climate. They recently asked for “Six Words on Career in Crisis,” and received responses ranging from the despondent (“On food stamps, Americorps, Future M.D.”), ironic (“Career long in tooth, got yanked.”) and optimistic (“Lost two jobs gained an LLC.”).

SMITH joins in a new challenge: What’s your Six-Word Memoir on the financial crisis? Feel free to leave your six words in the comments area below, or head on over the EconomyStory. We’ll give a copy of our latest book, It All Changed in An Instant: More Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure.


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