SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words

Classroom of the Month: Sixth Graders at Helen Tyson Middle School in Springdale, Arkansas.

imageThough the  Six-Word Memoir Project got its start as a more personal form of writing, it has grown to encompass all sorts of events: whether public or intimate, current or historical.  This month’s featured class on the Six in Schools page is perfect example of the many ways the Six-Word form can be adapted.

Monday, November 11th, was Veteran’s Day—celebrated each year to honor the men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces.  Last week, a class of sixth graders from Helen Tyson Middle School in Springdale, Arkansas, used the Six-Word form to help mark this holiday. Teacher Susan O’Brien showed her students Ernest Hemingway’s legendary Six-Word story: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn” followed by some examples from and She asked her students to write their own Six-Word tribute to a veteran, then select their best one to publish.  Ms. O’Brien was delighted: ” The feedback from students was incredible—they loved the challenge and some wrote twice as many as I asked for.  We will definitely use this in social studies class again especially since we will be writing our own memoirs soon!” The Six Words team is delighted, too.

The Six Word form continues to cross the bounds, allowing writers of all ages to succinctly express their emotions on any topic, even the difficult ones. Keep sixing!

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