SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words

“Urban Hippie Loves Sunshine and Rain”—Six Words in My Old High School

mhs-swm132.jpgAfter a trip back to my hometown this spring, where I worked with three classes of sixth graders and Mrs. Nixon’s third graders, which created this amazing six-word memoir book of their own, I was asked to talk to students at my high school in Moorestown, NJ. It’s slightly surreal to return to the place you came from as a quasi-celebrity (emphasis, quasi); my first attempt at journalism was a movie review for The Voice, my high school newspaper. I went on to edit that paper, one advised by the uber-cool Perri Geller, who now goes by Perri Geller-Clark, and remains the adult heart and soul of the public school’s journalism program. I saw her, and a few other familiar faces last week—what a kick.

But the biggest kick was seeing some 80 new faces, students who were interested in writing, or storytelling, or just wanted an excuse to bust out of their other classes so hear some old guy tell his story (including how I was once suspended for broadcasting a simulated sex tape over the school’s PA system; good times). When I was done yapping, I asked them for their story (in, of course, six words), and they shined. Above is a lovely six-word memoir from Grace, who reveals, “Urban hippie loves sunshine and rain.” Below are a few more six-word memoirs from MHS teens. If you’re reading this MHS—or any teens for that matter—make sure you submit your six-word memoirs at SMITHTeens. And thanks for not throwing spitballs.




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