Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

CONTEST: Six-Word Stories About Philadelphia

435189055_8311659ff2_m.jpgI think Philadelphia rocks. I grew up just 20 minutes outside the city, went to college there, am in and out of the city as often as I can. I loved the last Rocky movie, live for dinner in South Philly, have written thousands of words on Philly fans and am hopelessly devoted to the town’s teams (can you feel my pain?). All of which is why I’m so pleased that the six-word memoir book is heading to the City of Brotherly Love for two events and one contest. On May 16, Rachel and I will be reading at the Barnes & Noble in Rittenhouse Square at 7:30pm. Then on Sunday, May 18, we’ll be in good company at the Free Library Philly Book Festival, where Team SMITH can be found at the Poetry Pavilion at 12pm, telling stories and leading a six-word slam.

To celebrate our Philly invasion, we’re partnering with Philadelphia Magazine (one of the first places in the country to praise Not Quite What I Was Planning) for a special six-word contest called “It All Happened Here in Philadelphia”. Three memoirists win a one-year subscription to Philly Mag and a copy of the six book, which we’ll choose based on “creativity and Philadelphia flavor,” and announce at the May 16 event.

I can’t wait to see what the great people of Philly come up with. Here’s mine, which will only make sense to Birds fans, but means the world to me: “Dad. Me. Jacksonville. Still loved it.”

Rocky from Flickr user Damon Green.

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