Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

Six Words on the Digital Life: An Image Gallery

Our partner in the Six-Words on the Digital Life challenge, FRONTLINE/Digital Nation, has put some faces to your half-dozen words. They’re streamed in some of the images you’re posted, as well as added a few Creative Commons-licensed shots, to create a whole new way of looking at some of the responses from our latest six-word challenge. Go to Digital Nation and click on the six words button on the left side of the page for a look.

From recent entries such as, “Blocked my own mother on Facebook,” “My life Flickrs before my eyes,” and “Text specs on your pecs. ASAP,” the Six-Words on the Digital Life contest continues with aplomb. Enter here and tell us your digital story today. Tomorrow it will probably be a totally different story.

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