Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Fallon is the Late Night King

JimmyTonight1We featured Jimmy Fallon in our Six-Word Caption Contest #13. Fallon didn’t disappoint, delivering laughs and the best ratings in decades during his first week hosting The Tonight Show. And you delivered some top-rated Sixes on the new king of late night—here are our Top Six favorites:

6. “Jimmy Fallon; sharp as a talon.” —JanelleNeyron
5. “Tonight Show hip-hops into Gen X.” —wonderactivist
4. “Jimmy Fallon: young, hip, and funny.” —E-250
3. “Fallon is worth losing sleep over.” —shaunyata
2. “Comedy returns to the Tonight Show.” —samantha627
And our top-rated Six-Word Memoir is…(Questlove, cue the drumroll please):

1. “Half Leno’s age. Twice as funny.” —canadafreeze

Keytags - examplesCongrats to canadafreeze, who can put this winning six-word memoir (or any six words of her choice) on a fabulous key tag thanks to our friends at Various Projects!


Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun! Whether in our Caption Contests, on FacebookTwitterTumblr or at—keep on Sixing!



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