Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Top Six “Loved, lost, and lessons from 2023”

As the year wrapped up, Sixers have been wrapping their past 365 days in six word packages. Our unique experiences not only shape us but also help prepare for a new year full of challenges we know and some we’ll surely discover. For SixContest #154, Sixers responded to the prompt, “Loved, lost, and lessons from 2023,” by reflecting what they learned over year. 

Many shared 2023’s positive lessons (“People’s kindness helped me go on.” —Adebisi and “Living in the moment I appreciate.” —wltrwrites). Others shared reflections on the changes that always seem to accompany this time of the year (“World kept changing. I kept saving.” —Struggle and “Change is consistently constant, captivating clarity.” —kittybailey). And as we expect from our six word scribes, many offered sage wisdom that the past twelve months brought (“Even forgotten dreams can come true.” —SF51girl and “Find your ‘firsts.’ Forget the ‘worsts.’”

Here are our Top Six picks!

6. “Collecting words. Penning thoughts. Shaping stories.” —LisaM

5. “Ate less, prayed more, loved fiercely.” —l8leigh

4. “Carefully reconsidering my bucket list’s contents.” —CapeCodder

3. “Abandoned the versions I never was.” —JennyA

2. “People’s kindness helped me go on.” —Adebisi

And the winner is…

1. “Faded over finish lines; rediscovered friends.” –christinaherobrina

Congratulations to christinaherobrina for your thoughtful memoir — and happy new year to all!

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