Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

Top Six “My Bestselling Book in Six Words”

With passing time, we add words, pages, and chapters to our life story, ultimately crafting a book of our lives. We cling to dreams of being a published author and seeing our name on the cover of a book gloriously displayed in bookstores right next to classics and latest smash hits. For SixContest #152, we asked Sixers to craft unique and intriguing titles that offered a glimpse at both imagined and existing bestsellers in six words.

Plenty of writers demanded attention with their titles (“They Thought She Died. She Didn’t.” –canadafreeze and “It Knows Where You Are. Run.” –AaronBurr). Others took a more humorous route (“Pushing a ‘Pull’ Door (On Paper).” –KThibeault and “Life’s Short. I’m Tall. Live large.” –Bigstretch). Many writers pulled at heartstrings with their meaningful titles (“Brokenness and Betrayal Bring Unexpected Blessings.” – JournoVal and “Why My Devoted Heart Beats: Family.” – msbee89). Above all, Sixers’ optimism and confidence shined through their responses (“Always Dream What You Can Achieve.” – SlayBestie and “Getting Old and Still Chasing Dreams.” – BanjoDan).

Here are our Top Six picks!

6. “Shot Six Times. Only Died Twice.” —Foolishwriter

5. “Somehow It All Turned Out Fine.” —SF51girl

4. “Birth, Death and the Temptations Between.” —Loon

3. “Secrets Inside. Booker Prize on Cover.”  —Kharis

2. “Get My Pronouns Right!: An Autobiography.” —Oddball

And the winner is…

1. “You’d Find My Autobiography Under ‘Fiction’.” — enginethatcould

Congratulations to enginethatcould for writing a bestselling title to a book we hope to read one day!


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