Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

“Inhaling this moment: my favorite drug.” The Best Six-Word Memoirs Of The Week

Best Six (oct 11-oct 17)-01Sixing can be a meditative act. Reflecting on life’s complexities using very few words requires diligence, patience, and a keen eye on what really matters—a few deep breaths help, too. Many Sixers embrace this Zen-like simplicity. This week, some writers offered advice on how to peacefully undergo transitions (“Seeking familiar milestones in changing landscapes”); others expressed value in remaining present, even when there’s nothing exciting to be present for (“Practice being bored. It builds character.”). And one Sixer practiced a moving meditation, letting a baby Buddha lead the way (“Let toddler take you for walk.”). These Sixes are filled with awareness.
—Caroline Goldstein

Best role reversal: Let toddler take you for walk.” —Undermom

Most forgiving: Give all grudges a proper burial.”  —Susan_Breeden

Most mindful: Inhaling this moment: my favorite drug.” —BanjoDan

Most challenging: Practice being bored. It builds character.” —LaurenLipton

Best approach to change: Seeking familiar milestones in changing landscapes” —Midnight

Most accepting: The best routes are rarely pre-mapped.” —ADHDean

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