The first two Six-Word Readings have been off the hook. A standing-room only crowd in Brooklyn’s WORD books (take a look ar the great photos from the blog, Guest of a Guest); an evening in which everyone wrote and read a Six-Word Memoir at Milwaukee’s Next Chapter Bookstore (our class pic is above), including SMITHTeener Anna, who happened to be in town…from New Zealand.
Now we’re in Austin, where our Indie Bookstore Greats Tour continues tonight, Jan. 8, at BookPeople, 603 N Lamar, 7pm. If you’re a local, or have friends who are, come on down. We are very excited to meet Six-Word Memoirist Maggie McDonald, who will tell the story behind her six words tonight. And she’s also made a short video. Click the play button and watch your day get better.
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sounds like a fun tour. 🙂