Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Share Your Personal Style with Tim Gunn and Ada Calhoun

Tim GunnHelp wrap up the second day of the Six-Word Festival on Twitter by sharing your personal style with fashion guru Tim Gunn and native New York writer Ada Calhoun on September 25 at 4:00pm EST.

Best known for his mentor role on the hit reality series Project Runway, Tim has previously teamed up with Ada to co-write books such as Tim Gun’s Fashion Bible. Ada also sports an impressive resume as she has written for The New York Times Magazine and The Los Angeles Times.

The judges will be posting the prompt “Your personal style—in six words?” for six-ers to tweet tweet their responses. Whether it’s comfy and cool or retro chic, our judges want to know! And maybe, you don’t define personal style through your clothes—whatever it is, we want you to share. The judges will be choosing the best responses so remember to strut your stuff and let us know how you define what’s sublime!

The Six-Word Festival on Twitter (presented by runs from September 24-26. Check out the full schedule to see what other events are coming up and for more about the celebrity guest judges.


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