Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Top College Pride In Six Words


The national phenomenon known as March Madness is well underway. With millions of brackets already busted before we got to the Sweet Sixteen, we asked you to go beyond picks and tell us what makes your favorite college a winner. Some of you recalled the good times (“College Mascots; Lover boys in disguise.” —JAD), while others captured the legacy (“Three generations nurtured by Alma Mater.” —zsuzsu) and established yourselves as true diehards (“Why more parity? My Women Huskies!!!” —JoC.). Here are the Top Six ways our community showcased their college pride:

6. “FIT girl: forever fashionable and fun.” —sisterpoet
(Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY)
5. “A Blue Devil living in heaven.” —Savita
(Duke University)
4. “My heart swells hearing ‘Hail Purdue.'” —Audrey Jordan via Facebook
(Purdue University)
3. “Taking pride in being called COCKY!” —jene2008
(Jacksonville State University Gamecocks)
2. “Karen Walker Is Our Saltiest Alum” —@notabbynormal (via Twitter)
(Sarah Lawrence College)

And the Six Words that made us want to attend your school…

1. “Learned to love Tolstoy and beer.” —Susan_Breeden
(University of Texas, Austin)

Congratulations to Susan_Breeden and thanks to all who participated! Whether in our SixContests, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr or at—keep on Sixing!

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