Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

Six-Word Search: Dad

From the reams of memoirs on Dads, it’s clear: fathers are important, their impact felt whether present, absent, or no longer with us. At their best, and occasionally, at their worst, fathers have helped shape your worlds. Many Sixers revere their Dads – some traditional, others, unconventional – and reflect on how each has influenced the other’s lives.

With Father’s Day approaching, we take this time to celebrate fatherhood, in all forms and descriptions. Join us and enjoy a few of our favorite Six-Word Memoirs on Dads as we honor all of the exceptional men who touch our lives so profoundly. If your father did not meet the mark, hopefully you know a Dad who has and can think of him today.

(See this first one for photo to use?)
Measure of good dad, his son.
by Mark_Hashizume
When I shave, Dad’s the reflection.
by VincentAurelius
Dad had a second job..superman.
by MariaMaria
Fishing, farming, camping. Childhood with dad.
by rustlingleaves
My kids make me good dad.
by Batz1
Sperm or not he’s my dad.
by ZoePrice
This one gets to meet Dad.
by bohemdeb
I get older, Dad gets smarter.
by sgbrown78
Dad loves me, despite being opposites.
by aaronek
My son is the best dad.
by rcz
A world without Daddy: implausible.
by booklover
Lost biological dad. Found real dad.
by writtenvoice
A good loving dad you are.
by waffles4u
Dad; first love of my life.
by maryjane31
Raining. Dad’s watering the celestial flowers.
by Bevvie
Going gets tough, tough calls Dad.
by Carrieboo
Dad is my Designated Awesome Driver.
by sincerelyconfused
Dad, makes better grandfather than father.
Marriage didn’t make him my daddy.
by jene2008
He loved me then and he loves me now like I am his flesh and blood. He has always treated me like a daughter and I love him. Happy Father’s Day, Daddy! – See more at:

Father’s Day: thankful Dad’s still alive.
by l8leigh

Dad owes me for 1967 deferment.
by Seraphina_Lullaby
Dad even more emotional than mom!
by HopeInPain
Despite how close my mom and I are, whenever I’ve reached a “big life moment,” it’s my dad that dissolves into tears, and my mom that remains composed.
Daddy’s Little Girl? – See more at:

Some conversations sons just need dad.
by JAD
Dad… not the greatest… the best!
by makemefamous
Quiet. Educating. Supportive. Proud. My daddy.
by allyclark365
Dad’s legacy: strong hands, strong will.
by Staraj
Dad: the calm in the storm.
by bohemdeb
Met man, my dad in disguise?
by Mourningdove
My patient was an elderly man.Some thing about him reminded me of my dad. So I took a few minutes while getting vitals to ask him a few questions. Turns out he worked for the same company my dad did before he passed away 13 years ago. I found my self explaining to this man how much he reminded me of my dad, when he thanked me for my care. It was kind of magical in a way. I told him how my dad had not lived to see me graduate nursing school. He took my hand, and told me that he sure my dad would be proud, of the nurse I was. Sniffle.
– See more at:

Father figures often make better dads.
by BellaDonnaBlueEyes
Dad gave me life and music.
by wanderbug
Hardly knew dad, still miss him.
by mali
Single dad teaching teenager life skills.
by wendel
Liberal daughter totally loves redneck Dad.
by Sweetthyme69
I am still daddy’s baby girl.
by daddysbabygirl

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