Life can be hard. Whether you are a teen or an adult, it may feel like no one around you understands or cares about your struggles. But you can be heard when you share with our community at Six-Word Memoirs. Putting your thoughts into words is freeing. It also lets you and others realize you’re not alone. Whether you post on or in our Teens section, let Six Words help you start the conversation and connect with others. Here are a few tips—conveniently in six words—on getting help, finding resources, and holding onto hope when you are struggling the most.
To Write Love on Her Arms
Since 2010, Six-Word Memoirs has partnered with To Write Love on Her Arms, a nonprofit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. Check out Six-Word Memoirs on Pain & Hope to join the conversation. To learn more about these issues and find resources available, visit TWLOHA.
Help Is Just a Text Away
If you need help now, you can reach out to the Crisis Textline. From your mobile phone, simply text “SUPPORT” to 741741 and connect to a compassionate and trained counselor who can respond quickly and is eager to listen. It’s free, 24/7 support, no matter who you are or what you’re going through. Click here for their list of national resources about struggles related to abuse, eating disorders, cutting, GLBT identification and more.
Doing Something Can Make a Difference
When life gets you down or things spiral beyond control, rather than let the issues take hold of you or someone close to you, it’s important to reach out. Not sure where to start? has a list of hotlines for at-risk youth.
And whether you’re the one in need, or if you want to help someone find relief, Six-Word Memoirs offers everyone a safe place to express and explore.
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