In ways simple and grand, we each have our own approach to making others feel welcome. For SixContest#104, you were tasked to create your own definition and complete the phrase “Welcoming means ___ ___ ___ ___.” Naturally, many turned to food and customs as a way of showing others they have a place at the table (“Welcoming means an extra dinner plate.”—drgn_kpr). There was an overwhelming emphasis on openness (“Welcoming means… Opening heart, mind, arms.’” —Brigitta Stegherr), compassion (“Welcoming means finding our common ground.” —caralongwrites), and the value of hearing someone’s story (“Welcoming means I will really listen.” —Trix95). Ultimately, the common thread between the submissions was the willingness to be there for someone else.
After an outpouring of responses, here are six of our favorite ways you welcome others:
6. “Welcoming means removing cell phone earbuds.” —S.ScottWalker
5. “Welcoming means coffee and a story.” —dryingwords
4. “Welcoming means gardens not guard dogs.” —@JohnnyRoedel
3. “Welcoming means empowering those who dream.” —@hikealot
2. “Welcoming means holding the door open.” —@kneelingindirt
And finally, the top meaning of welcoming in six words:
1. “Welcoming means less me; more we.” —chickiesgirl
Congratulations, chickiesgirl, who wins a copy of our latest book, Six Words Fresh Off the Boat: Stories of Immigration, Identity, and Coming to America. Thanks to everyone who contributed—whether in our SixContests, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr or at—keep on Sixing!
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