Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

"The Blade Turned Into a Pen"—Six Words on the Creative Life

urbis-logo.pngUrbis is one of our favorite creative communities. Like SMITH, Urbis is powered by writers, and gets bigger and better with each submission. While our thing is nonfiction personal narrative, Urbis’ community of creatives tend to focus on fiction, poetry, and screenplays-in-progress, with lots of peer reviews and ranking to spur on competition. Now we’ve found the perfect mashup for SMITH and Urbis, a six-word challenge on “the creative life.” Over on Urbis, we call it, “Brevity is the Soul of It”: Six-Word Memoirs about the Creative Life, but I already prefer one of the submissions as a contest name: “The blade turned into a pen.” See if you can sum up your life as a writer, artist, swordsman, or raconteur in six well-chosen words. We’ll feature our favorites on Urbis and SMITH, give a few of you T-shirts, and maybe even scare up another book.

One more reason to love Urbis: founder Steve Spurgat is one snazzy dresser—just ask Esquire.


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