SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words

“The caged bird will forever sing.” The Best Six-Word Memoirs Of The Week

Best Six (May 24-May 30)-01-01

Literary legends are more than just people we admire. They give us strength, honor, and courage. Maya Angelou, one of the greatest storytellers of our time, passed away this week. The world—including many here at—immediately expressed their sorrow and gratitude. This week’s “best of” Sixes honor this incomparable wordsmith. She was an author, poet, beloved teacher, and a brave soul. Her words made our world a better place and she will be dearly missed. May she forever rest in peace. –Gilmarie Brioso

“The caged bird will forever sing.” –Ediaz8

“Her honesty took my breath away.” –@lanisia (Lani via Twitter)

“In our words lies our power.” –@thafyneprynt (tamikabrown via Twitter)

“Truth can sound like a woman.” –@LauraBuff (Laura Buffington via Twitter)

“Hope rises. Faith breathes. Peace sings.” –@Melysse (Melissa A. Bartell via Twitter)

“Goodbye Maya. Your words changed us.” –JohnBigJohn

Plus: We’re holding our second Six-Word Festival on Twitter! From June 4-6, celebrity judges, like Rob Delaney, Molly Ringwald and George Takei will challenge you with their Six-Word prompts and judge your tweets in response. Check the Six-Word Festival page for the full schedule, real-time tweets, daily editors’ favorites, as well as the judges’ winners.

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