Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Top Life During Coronavirus in Six Words

We are living in unprecedented times. And your response to our “Six Words on Life During Coronatime” brought an unprecedented response: not just the more than 1,500 submissions but the way you encapsulated this surreal and tragic time with such insight, empathy, and even humor. Many made pithy observations about the new mundane (“Now I’m a barber. Who knew?” -CapeCodder), while others reminded us to smile as we adapt to the new normal (“Baking sourdough, the new date night.” -LSNY). Some focused on the positives (“Finally, I can mute my teachers.” -thestrugglebus”). Others made us laugh (“Do not COVID thy neighbor’s wife.” -spelly78) and cry (“Virtual hugs are not the same.” -Jason Adams). At the end of the day, however, Six Word community member, Andromeda17, reminds us that no matter what we face the world keeps spinning: “Numbers rise, but sun does too.” 

Here are our favorites:

6. “Finally meeting neighbors after eight years.” -Jay Lene (from Facebook)

5. “Coronavirus learning: Dad sucks at math.” –L.G. Smith

4. “I now social distance in dreams.” –IncognitoSnail

3. “When can I hold him again?” –LillieT

2. “Across the world, across the room.” -Jed Miller (from Facebook)


And our favorite is…

1. “Numbers rise, and so does sun.” –Andromeda17  

Congratulations Andromeda17!

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