Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

Top Pinnacle Moments in Six Words

Whether or not you witnessed the monumental total solar eclipse on August 21st (with proper eye protection, of course!), our lives are filled with pivotal moments that impact us forever. For SixContest#103, we asked about your pinnacle moments in six words. It’s no surprise that becoming a parent was an apex for many (“Would you like to hold her?”—Oh_Skinny, May 1997; his juxtaposed memoir reveals a deeper story: “You are unable to have children.” July 1985). A few life-changing moments show us that low points come with summits (“Releasing my son from all misery.” —JAD Backstory: “Breathing tubes removed.”). The vast majority of your stories highlighted personal milestones (“First time saying ‘I’m an artist.’” —Raven_OKeefe ) and epic events (“Met hero last day of 39.” —@BeyondHamilton).

Without further ado, here are the Top Six Pinnacle Moments:

6. “Land ho! Apparently, celestial navigation works.” –catsmeow

5. “Mom beat cancer. Time matters now.” –Room203

4. “Singing at Davies Symphony Hall 2016.” –MissIncongnito

3. “I totally made David Duchovny laugh.” —@harrislynn

2.  “Getting published for the first time.” —Neesha101

And finally, the six words are a culminating point for anyone:

1. “Daughter ran. Fast. Olympic gold. Tears.” –@NancyJorgensen

Congratulations, @NancyJorgensen and thanks to everyone who joined in the fun! Whether in our SixContests, on FacebookInstagramTwitterTumblr or at—keep on Sixing!


  • catsmeow
    September 1, 2017

    And it’s @NancyJ for the gold! Congrats.

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