Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Finding the Bright Side In Six Words


Just as yin has its yang, dark clouds have their silver linings. For SixContest#107, we challenged you to find the bright side in six words.  You offered delicious wordplay (“Caught in a jam. Became fruitful.” —CanadaGoose), powerful stories of survival (“2 years since failed suicide. Blessed.”—Mejustme88) and tips to improve your outlook (“Expect less; disappointment is self-created.” —notyouraveragegirl) —along with timeless adages (“One door closes, another one opens.” —MissIncognito) and trends we’re ready to put to bed (“Pumpkin spice season is finally over.” —Liz Gotthelf-Othot). Whether you’re bargaining for that elusive rebound (“Surely, 2018 will be an improvement.” —BanjoDan), the winter solstice is an ideal time to celebrate the bright side (“Shortest day also means longest night!” —WinterSol).

6. “Darker the night, brighter the stars.” —Stella_Matutina

5. “Donating her clothes. Making her proud.” —SouthPorch (See below for this moving backstory)

4. “Snow shoveling counts as cardio workout. ” —@pbsharkey

3. “Today’s the best day since yesterday.” —Trix95

2. “’Me Too’ broke silence, began healing.” —zsuzsu

And finally, the six words with the brightest upside:

1. “Life taught me to write fiction.” —Jeanette_Cheezum

Congratulations to Jeanette_Cheezum, who will receive a copy of our 2018 daily calendar: Secrets to Happiness in Six Words. Thanks to everyone who contributed—sharing via our SixContest, on FacebookInstagramTwitterTumblr or at—keep on Sixing!

*Editors’ Note: SouthPorch’s backstory of “Donating her clothes. Making her proud.”
“It’s been over a year now that my sister’s clothes have hung in a closet upstairs. My daughter was home for the holidays, and it’s her closet where the clothes reside. We gently pushed through sweaters and shirts and tenderly tried on jeans and scarves. Mid wistful folds and teary smiles we set aside our treasures. My daughter’s boyfriend works for YES (Youth Emergency Services), so the clothes we thought teens would wear (my sister wore young fashion) are safely packed in a box headed to the Omaha shelter. I am certain her positive energy will wrap those teenagers in love. My sister would be happy.”





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