Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Top Six Favorite Moments in Music


Many of our favorite memories are defined through music. For SixContest #88, in honor of the 5th anniversary concert hosted by our friends at Guitar Mash, we asked for your favorite music moments in Six Words. Some memoirs describe where their passion for music began (“First time I saw Les Miserables.” —caralongwrites) while others set the stage for legendary performances (“Elton John, bicycle shorts, piano dancer.” —zsuzsu). Whether your favorite moments describe personal feats (“Became director of my favorite musical!” —Maeva) or capture your life’s soundtrack (“In Vietnam on Armed Forces Radio.” —wsupton), we agree with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra: “How can you pick just one?” —@BPOrchestra (via Twitter).

These Top Six Moments in Music will make you wish you were there…

6. “Sade warned me about smooth operators.” —Neesha101

5. “Watched men cry during Arcade Fire.” —ChewyD2

4. “My shower covers were surprisingly good.” —lisakw

3. “I’ve kept every single concert stub.” —JRE23

2. “Beastie Boys pit, 8 months pregnant.” —MsKillie

And the Top Music Moment that is treasured more than ever…

1. “Unspeakable silence, Leonard Cohen’s third encore.” —sisterpoet

Congratulations, sisterpoet, and thanks to all who participated! Whether in our SixContests, on FacebookInstagramTwitterTumblr or at—keep on Sixing!


  • bevvie
    December 9, 2016
  • sisterpoet
    December 10, 2016

    What a great and happy surprise!
    Love music, Love Cohen, Love smithmag!

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