SixContest Winners! Our top 6 “firsts” in six words

Top Six Memoirs on Spring Cleaning


On the heels of Daylight Saving Time comes the tradition of spring cleaning. For SixContest #95 we asked you to add three words and complete the phrase “My Spring Cleaning.” With nearly 500 entries on and Twitter, you are ready to clean house. Some plan to tackle self-care (“My Spring Cleaning: Neti Pot regularly.” —@dean6805) and practical endeavors (“My Spring Cleaning: Taxes come first.” —connecticatsor), while others seek cleaning with deeper meaning (“My Spring Cleaning: Mind, Body, Soul.” —mototaa). Here are the Top Six recommendations to help you start anew:

6. “My Spring Cleaning: Focus on goals.” —heathrodstrom

5. “My Spring Cleaning: Getting a colonoscopy.” —JRE23

4. “My Spring Cleaning: Purging the freezer.” —GrimmWasTaken

3. “My Spring Cleaning: Cabernet to Chardonnay.” —FKA_Liza

2. “My Spring Cleaning: Wiping out debt.” —JAD

And introducing the memoir that will help you tidy up personal loose ends…

1. “My Spring Cleaning: Scrubbing contact list.” —notyouraveragegirl

Congratulations, notyouraveragegirl, and thanks to everyone who joined in the fun! Whether in our SixContests, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr or at—keep on Sixing!

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