The legendary “Summer of Love” in 1967 was a time of self-expression, experimentation, and questioning conventional norms. For SixContest#102 we’re celebrating the 50th anniversary of this defining era with your stories of liberation and nonconformity in exactly six words. You shared amusing observations (“Must have been a hot summer…”—Silken, with the backstory “Was born 9 months later”), tales of meaningful realizations (“Mistakenly believed we were invincible, immortal.” —rsqdogsmom) and a number of stories complemented with photos that took us back (“He was cool. I was hot.” —@oopsalittle). Introducing the Top Six “Summer of Love”-inspired memoirs:
6. “I can love whom I love.” —JoC.
5. “The sun blushed our naked bodies.” —@CoherentGuile
4. “Then: spiritual journeys. Now: therapeutic microdosing.” —Jordana
3. “His name forgotten, but his touch . . .” —wonderactivist
2. “Olfactory flashback: her scent was patchouli.” —tagishcharley
And finally, the Summer of Love story that fits past, present or future:
1. “Lost: innocence. If found, be gentle.” —canadafreeze
Special thanks to zsuzsu for suggesting this timely contest and submitting many of her own first-hand accounts with compelling backstories. Be sure to read her vivid vignettes, including this tale of teenage rebellion: “I wasn’t your typical ‘Sweet Sixteen.’”
Congratulations, canadafreeze and thanks to everyone who joined in the fun! Whether in our SixContests, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr or at—keep on Sixing!
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Well deserved, cf.
Such a great contest. Lots of terrific sixes. I’m happy and humble to have my six words chosen…
I’ve enjoyed this contest for obvious reasons everybody! Thanks to Larry and Editors for using my suggestion. It’s been fun reading everyone’s entries. Happy Love and Summer to you all!