Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Top Six-Word Spoiler of Your Life


We are the authors of our own stories. For SixContest #78 — inspired by Mary Elizabeth Williams’ new book, A Series of Catastrophes & Miracles, whose memoir about battling Stage IV Melanoma begins “SPOILER: I lived.” — we invited you to share the spoilers of your lives in Six Words. Some spoilers reflect your fantasies (“SPOILER: Discovered my superpower, saved world.” —Stella_Matutina), while others reveal sobering realities (“SPOILER: His manly chest scar is melanoma.” —MargotEd. Note: see below for backstory). Spoilers are often about life-changing moments (“SPOILER: The pee stick turned blue.” @popazza via Twitter), and sometimes they help us distinguish fact from fiction (“SPOILER: Larry and Piper get married!” —Larry_D._Smith). Whatever the future holds (“Spoiler: Aged, but never grew up.” —ComicBookMom), don’t let spoilers ruin the story for you.

Introducing the Top Six spoilers that leave us wanting more of the story:

6. “SPOILER: We’ll laugh about this someday.” —caralongwrites 

5. “SPOILER: My story’s villain was…expectation.” —JohnBigJohn

4. “SPOILER: Rebellious student becomes dedicated teacher.” —sisterpoet

3. “SPOILER: Fairy tales are often grim.” —scribbling_scribe

2. “SPOILER: DDT changed my DNA. Cancer.” —DynamicDbytheC

And of the hundreds of entries, the spoiler that is most timely:

1. “SPOILER: Over this rainbow lies hope.” —Dyan_Titchnell [Ed. Note: see below for backstory]

Backstory from Dyan_Titchnell: “Peace to Orlando and those beyond.”

Backstory from Margot: “I was published in your amazing book It All Changed in an Instant. Since my first Epilogue story I have (in six): “Met the man of my dreams” had a daughter and have been “Reciting Dad’s Eulogy in my head” after my Dad passed away last year. I’m very attached to your latest request for Six Word Spoilers in conjunction with Mary Elizabeth Williams. My husband endured a surface spreading melanoma on his chest. Not from sun bashing. Just because. Who knows why? My sister is a Beauty Therapist. She saw it first. A tiny little blemish that looked angry. In her words – “get that looked at as soon as possible.” I’ll never forget the conversation we had after he had gone to the skin clinic and they confirmed it. Melanoma. Cancer. He was calm, rational but scared. I was irrational, yelling at the world but trying to remain positive. He had surgery the next week to remove it. As the Doc said “No time to spare for you.” Another six! The scar on his chest is impressive and people ask. We like to embellish. We tell stories. But not the real one.”

Congratulations to Dyan_Titchnell and thanks to all who participated! Each of our Top Six contributors will receive a copy of Williams’ memoir, A Series of Catastrophes & Miracles. We’ll be reaching out to all six winners shortly regarding their prizes. Whether in our SixContests, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr or at—keep on Sixing!


  • DynamicDbytheC
    July 11, 2016

    Thank you for selecting my story. I am excited about getting the book because her story will be close to mine.

    • DynamicDbytheC
      July 11, 2016

      Mean thank you for selecting my memoir. Which is sort of a story.

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