Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

Your Secrets Revealed With Rob Delaney & Others!

Just as everyone has a story, everyone has a secret. What’s yours? No time like the present to share those hidden gems. Whether your best-kept mystery involves wild escapades or trivial charades, now you can share those untold tales in just Six Words. Here’s how and when you can join in:

Thursday, June 5 — 10:30am EDT
Prompt: “Glad I didn’t get caught when”
Tweet: My #notsosecretsix “SIX WORDS OF YOURS GO HERE” @sixwords #sixwords
e.g., My #notsosecretsix “Dipped my pen in boss’s ink.” @sixwords #sixwords


Rob Delaney (@robdelaney) is a comedian, writer, and author of the 2013 book “Rob Delaney: Mother. Wife. Sister. Human. Warrior. Falcon. Yardstick. Turban. Cabbage.” He was the first comedian to receive the honor of “Funniest person on Twitter.” This Twitter maverick is joining us again with the Six-Word challenge: “Glad I Didn’t Get Caught When…”

He will be joined by Piper Kerman (@Piper), author of the #1 NYT bestselling
memoir Orange Is the New Black, and Judge Alex Ferrer (@judgealexferrer),
host of the nationally syndicated court show, Judge Alex.

• Each day during the festival, we’ll be giving away six Six-Word Memoir books at random times throughout the festival. All you have to do is tweet with the hashtags we’re using during each of the prompts, as well as follow @sixwords.

Follow @sixwords on Twitter for the latest on the Six-Word Fest and join us 24/7 at!



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