Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

And the Winners of "Six Words on the Digital Life" Are…

How do you boil down the essence of your digital life in just six words? More than 850 ways. Hundreds of you sent 850+ entries to SMITH Magazine and FRONTLINE/Digital Nation‘s “Six Words on the Digital Life” challenge. Your digital life runs from the highly personal (“Hand on iPhone. Baby on breast”) to the practical (“Never marry a man from AOL”) to the financial (“I wish I hadn’t shorted Google”). You told us about new family dynamics (“One MySpace boy. One Facebook boy”) and modern religions (“There is a creator: Steve Jobs”). And more than a few of you offered variations on a reality that’s become all too evident: “Facebook: high school all over again.”

Which is a long way of saying: it wasn’t easy picking our top six short, short takes on the digital life. These memoirists each win three of Rachel Dretzin’sFrontline documentaries, as well as a Six-Word Memoir book of their choice or a SMITH T-shirt. Thanks to everyone for your amazing stories.

Introverted autistic son blossoms on internet.-Claire Luna-Pinsker
Sexting is saving our relationship. -Dana Newsome
Husband won’t confirm my relationship status. -Dana Calvo
MySpace boy. One Facebook boy. -Kellie Fournier
I answer spam with sexual fantasies. -Heath Hardin
I can photoshop my wrinkles away. -Mary McConnell

FRONTLINE/Digital Nation is now creating a six-word digital life video gallery of people reading their memoirs. Submit a YouTube link and find more details at Digital Nation.

Our next challenge launches tomorrow: Six Words to describe a Significant Object.

Creative Commons licensed photo courtesy of Flickr user photocology. The caption: “I’m not washing that milk off either.”


  • Antonio
    October 28, 2009

    Congradulations Claire. Good job, well done.

  • Heath Hardin
    February 12, 2010

    you know, i never got a single prize for my winning entry. NOt to beat a dead horse, but “punch”.

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