Nearly 500 of you took the plunge and entered our “Six Words on Water” challenge, inspired by our pals over at Treehugger. It wasn’t easy picking the winners, but TH editor Meaghan O’Neil has emerged with her top three choices. Each writer will receive a Spreadshirt tee adorned by their six wet words.
The Winners:
“Raise a glass, not a bottle,” by Jennifer.
“I’m 60% FULL of IT…You?,” by JB.
“Wet dream: Fresh water for everyone,” by Chica.
To read all the submissions, check out the comments section of my original post. Here are a few more favorites:
“Destructive, beautiful. Tastes good with ice,” by Michelle.
“The ocean roars. I hear God,” by E. Joyce.
“Water? I guess I’d tap that,” by JAH.
“The snowman left a puddle,” by Sasha.
“Pacific tsunami. 2 Hydrogen, 1 Oxymoron,” by Misfortune.
“I almost drowned during my baptism,” by Francis DiClemente.
“Molecules resemble Mickey Mouse, who knew?,” by Jenny.
“Happiness: summer rain on bald head,” by Dan.
“H two…Oh, you’d prefer wine?,” by Sambpoet.
“Oil? Water is the new black,” by Shaunyata.
“Water, like love, impossible to grasp,” by Moo.
Thanks to everyone for the terrific contributions—you’re “water Czars” in the making for Obama’s cabinet. Next challenge: Six-Words on the Digital Life.
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Sometimes I think shorthand was easier
chris moline, LEED AP
Water, water, everywhere… I want beer.