Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

Six-Word Caption Contest #18 (And Winner #17)

This President’s Day we challenge you to take a pensive pause from the often-insane political process and put forth your best six words for the picture you see here. You, Sir, may be no Jack Kennedy, but if your six gets our vote you’ll win $50 on Shutterfly. Share your six-word caption by 5pm EST on Friday, Feb. 22 in the comments area below to describe the photo you see here. Each entry should be a separate comment and you can submit up to 10 entries; read the official rules for more details.

Contest #17 winning caption describing the photo from last week’s contest is “Heart’s been hung out to dry,” by Meowmag.


  • ShellDeFelice
    February 18, 2013

    World on shoulders…Marilyn in bed.

  • Knoxena
    February 18, 2013

    I was dieing to become president.

  • ShellDeFelice
    February 18, 2013

    Cuba, Vietnam, the Moon…Oy Vey!

  • ShellDeFelice
    February 18, 2013

    Camelot? More like crisis a lot.

  • JAD
    February 18, 2013

    Feeling like I’m in this alone.

  • Staraj
    February 18, 2013

    “A picture worth a thousand days.”

  • maryjane31
    February 18, 2013

    Contemplating his next bold historical move.

  • maryjane31
    February 18, 2013

    Camelot not what you had expected?

  • maryjane31
    February 18, 2013

    Talk with Jackie, surely she’ll understand.

  • Tuenmun
    February 18, 2013

    Will they notice one rose missing?

  • steviedg95
    February 18, 2013

    Don’t fret- he left his mark

  • marymc
    February 19, 2013

    Much more I could have done.

  • maryjane31
    February 19, 2013

    Should I cancel Dallas or not?

  • carolann
    February 19, 2013

    I remember- What can I do?

  • carolann
    February 19, 2013

    One thousand words are not enough.

  • ShellDeFelice
    February 19, 2013

    I should have been a cowboy.

  • PV Harrington
    February 19, 2013

    My life, still life, criss-cross!

  • ShellDeFelice
    February 19, 2013

    Keep trying to make a difference.

  • hieronimo
    February 19, 2013

    Stopped, but can’t smell the roses.

  • NumbrOneAunt
    February 19, 2013

    Ask not what could’ve been; unsearchable.

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2013

    Even the prettiest rose has thorns.

  • ShellDeFelice
    February 20, 2013

    Fallible man. Strong, courageous, compassionate, leader.

  • Jill
    February 20, 2013

    When the world is at war.

  • kate
    February 20, 2013

    Dem flowers sure do look purdy.

  • ibotero
    February 20, 2013

    Those red flowers look really pretty

  • Alicia
    February 20, 2013

    I died, as so will these.

  • Alicia
    February 20, 2013

    History might never let me fade.

  • Gabriella
    February 20, 2013

    Oh, Flowers… I’m still not talking.

  • Hockeymom
    February 20, 2013

    The future is ours to make.

  • Hockeymom
    February 20, 2013

    Is he under my desk again?

  • Hockeymom
    February 20, 2013

    I wonder what they all know?

  • Czeisner
    February 21, 2013

    Flowers fading, and soon will I.

  • Katherine Gotthardt
    February 21, 2013

    Truthfully, I once got an F.

  • Christopher J
    February 21, 2013

    Flowers of remorse keep me sad.

  • Sue M.
    February 21, 2013

    Minding heavy matters that overshadow pose.

  • Veronica Haworth
    February 21, 2013

    So Sad, World is a Mess

  • Elizabeth R.
    February 21, 2013

    If only they kept me around…

  • maryjane31
    February 21, 2013

    Attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro, Failure.

  • maryjane31
    February 21, 2013

    I think I loved this man.

  • kathi wright
    February 21, 2013

    the calm before the political storm…

  • dightonstreet
    February 21, 2013

    Just want my clam chowder lunch.

  • darkhairedgirl
    February 21, 2013

    Flowers given to a troubled President.

  • kathi wright
    February 21, 2013

    his bloom too brief; abrubtly taken

  • Amyra R.
    February 21, 2013

    Beneath the surface, the thorns arise.

  • maryjane31
    February 21, 2013

    Was youngest elected, youngest to die.

  • maryjane31
    February 21, 2013

    Praying for guidance to lead courageously,

  • kimbur
    February 22, 2013

    A rose by any other name

  • kimbur
    February 22, 2013

    A Kennedy by any other name

  • AJ Dent
    February 22, 2013

    Framed in gold, written in red.

  • DynamicDbytheC
    February 22, 2013

    When he looked down at flowers.

  • DynamicDbytheC
    February 22, 2013

    When flowers were still under him.

  • Miss Sally
    February 22, 2013

    What can I do for America?

  • epiclife
    February 22, 2013

    Dead when cut, replace to maintain.

  • Transpete
    February 22, 2013

    Pensive in grief, triumphant in glory.

  • Mia L
    February 23, 2013

    Politics: i will never understand them

  • Mia L
    February 23, 2013

    ha these flowers are obviously fake

  • Emran shariati
    March 5, 2013

    Past is gone and never bak.

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