Top 6 “Swimming in Sixes”: Our head is above water and, finally, here are our picks!

Top Six “Guilty Pleasures: So Bad, It’s Good”

We all have a guilty pleasure (even if some of use reject the word “guilty” to modify any type of pleasure). When we tell others about our joy singing in the shower, watching the most cringe-worthy reality TV, or enjoying the most sugary pop song whose hook is just too catchy to forget, we just may find out we are not alone. When it comes to guilty pleasures maybe we really are all in this together. For SixContest #148, you joyously shared your guilty pleasures with us.

Some Sixers quite cleverly broke the fourth wall with their metaSixes (“Composing sixes is my guilty pleasure.” — jl333, “Fireplace. Mood lighting. Six in bed.” —Miera). Others had playful pleasures (“You’ll locate me Across and Down.” —Oh_Skinny, “I play fifteen Words-With-Friends games simultaneously.”—Neesha101, and “Calling my friends playing Roblox!” —ZeniEMSGifted). One Sixer, canadafreeze, surely speaks for many when she writes, “Guilty pleasures? Too many to list.” 

Here are our Top Six picks!

6. “Cooler filled with water, happy toes.” — QuestCrew
5. “Enjoying teen rock bands. I’m thirtysomething.” — AdrianT
4.  “Buzzfeed quizzes, gotta take ’em all.” — akeil83
3.  “Successful, driven woman. Loyal ‘Bachelor’ watcher.” —DynamicDbytheC
2.  “Nutella covered spoon and Hallmark Christmas.” — IowaCastle

And the winner is…

  1. “Can’t decide. I’ll take both, please.” —Jordana

Congratulations to Jordana — we’ll have what she’s having!

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