Classroom of the Month: John Ferry’s “Image and Form” class at Kansas City Art Institute

Six Questions for the Six-Word Festival: Rob Delaney

Day Two of the Six-Word Festival on Twitter will kick off with the prompt, “Glad I didn’t get caught when…” Led by the hilarious and forthright author of Rob Delaney: Mother. Wife. Sister. Human. Warrior. Falcon. Yardstick. Turban. Cabbage., we learned a little more about what keeps Rob Delaney ahead of the game in our Six Questions for the Six-Word Festival.

How has your writing and/or brain changed because of Twitter?
I’m more alert to the weight, punch, and heft of individual words. I always loved words, now I love them more.

What do you find appealing about the Six-Word format?
Like Twitter, there’s no margin for sloppiness or long-windedness. It’s very good or it’s not.

Can you share a trick, in six words or more, to beat writer’s block?
Put ass in chair and go.

Who’s capturing your attention on Twitter lately?
I always laugh at @Bro_Pair. He is very smart and curmudgeonly and combative and good.

What’s your current project or obsession?
It’s a secret that is PAINFUL to keep to myself. Hope to reveal soon. [Ed. Note: “the cat’s out of the bag“]

Finally, Rob Delaney, what’s your Six-Word Memoir?
I eat ham and kiss dogs.


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